The probleM

Lenders evaluate hundreds of opportunities. Our goal is to save you time.

Deal universe
CREED's marketplace
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Our Features

Market directly to our vetted and proven sponsor network.

Transparent deal screening process.

CREED fleshes out the deal's strengths and risks to let you know what works and what doesn’t.

List of deals screened by CREED.

Expertly curated deals that match your preferences.

Our knowledge and experience allow us to help you find better deals that fit your preferences.

Curated deal with detailed information obtained by CREED's search engine.

Human guidance at each step.

Our expert team can guide the process every step of the way, providing expertise and transparency from deal inception to completion.

CREED expert happily shaking the hand of a lender.
List of deals screened by CREED.
Curated deal with detailed information obtained by CREED's search engine.
CREED expert happily shaking the hand of a lender.

We’re building the next great solution for the entire industry

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